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Map/Coord Coordinate Grabber - Printable Version

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Coordinate Grabber - Carbon - 22-09-2024

This script will help you grab coordinates of what ever player you want.
this script should be ran from the rankings page.

javascript:(function () {
   if (!window.location.href.endsWith('=ranking')) {
       alert('Please run this script on the =ranking page.');

   const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
   const server = window.location.hostname;
   const village = urlParams.get('village');

   async function fetchData(url) {
       const response = await fetch(url);
       const text = await response.text();
       const parser = new DOMParser();
       return parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html');

   async function collectPlayerData() {
       let currentPage = 1;
       let players = {};

       while (true) {
           const url = `${window.location.origin}/game.php?village=${village}&screen=ranking&page=${currentPage}`;
           const doc = await fetchData(url);

           const playerLinks = doc.querySelectorAll('a[href*="screen=info_player&id="]');
           playerLinks.forEach(link => {
               const playerId = new URL(link.href).searchParams.get('id');
               players[link.textContent.trim()] = playerId;

           const nextPageLink = doc.querySelector(`a[href*="screen=ranking&page=${currentPage + 1}"]`);
           if (!nextPageLink) break;

       return players;

   function createPopup(title, content) {
       const popup = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '50%'; = '50%'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; = '#f4e2d0'; = '2px solid #b38b6d'; = '20px'; = '8px'; = '10000'; = '400px'; = '0px 0px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)';

       const titleEl = document.createElement('h2');
       titleEl.textContent = title; = 'center'; = '#5a3d2a'; = '10px';

       return popup;

   function showPlayerSelectionPopup(players) {
       const content = document.createElement('div');

       const dropdown = document.createElement('select'); = '100%'; = '10px';
       Object.keys(players).forEach(playerName => {
           const option = document.createElement('option');
           option.value = players[playerName];
           option.textContent = playerName;

       const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
       cancelButton.textContent = 'Cancel'; = '#8b5e3c'; = 'white'; = 'none'; = '8px 12px'; = '10px'; = 'pointer'; = '4px';
       cancelButton.onclick = () => document.body.removeChild(popup);

       const grabberButton = document.createElement('button');
       grabberButton.textContent = 'Grab Coordinates'; = '#8b5e3c'; = 'white'; = 'none'; = '8px 12px'; = 'pointer'; = '4px';
       grabberButton.onclick = async () => {
           const selectedPlayerId = dropdown.value;
           const coordinates = await fetchCoordinates(selectedPlayerId);


       const popup = createPopup('Carbons Coordinate Grabber', content);

   async function fetchCoordinates(playerId) {
       let currentPage = 1;
       let coordinates = [];

       while (true) {
           const url = `${window.location.origin}/game.php?village=${village}&screen=info_player&id=${playerId}&page=${currentPage}`;
           const doc = await fetchData(url);

           const coordLinks = doc.querySelectorAll('a[href*="screen=info_village&id="]');
           coordLinks.forEach(link => {
               const coordText = link.textContent.match(/\((\d+\|\d+)\)/);
               if (coordText) coordinates.push(coordText[1]);

           const nextPageLink = doc.querySelector(`a[href*="screen=info_player&id=${playerId}&page=${currentPage + 1}"]`);
           if (!nextPageLink) break;

       return coordinates;

   function showCoordinatesPopup(coordinates) {
       const content = document.createElement('div');

       const textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); = '360px'; = '150px';
       textArea.value = coordinates.join('\n'); = '10px'; = '1px solid #b38b6d'; = '4px'; = '5px';

       const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
       cancelButton.textContent = 'Cancel'; = '#8b5e3c'; = 'white'; = 'none'; = '8px 12px'; = '10px'; = 'pointer'; = '4px';
       cancelButton.onclick = () => document.body.removeChild(popup);

       const copyButton = document.createElement('button');
       copyButton.textContent = 'Copy'; = '#8b5e3c'; = 'white'; = 'none'; = '8px 12px'; = 'pointer'; = '4px';
       copyButton.onclick = () => {
           alert('Coordinates copied to clipboard.');


       const popup = createPopup('Carbons Coordinate Grabber', content);

   async function main() {
       const players = await collectPlayerData();
       if (Object.keys(players).length === 0) {
           alert('No players found.');
