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Script Approval Process
Dear players,

All scripts need to be Approved by the Infernal Wars team before use. This includes scripts that you want to use privately.
In order to submit a script for approval, submit your script in this subforum.

The moderator in charge of script approvals will then review your script and move it to the appropriate section.

Please make sure to check your ongoing threads regularly; It is possible that the moderator will ask you to clarify parts of your code or ask you to make a change before it is approved. Not responding in a timely manner will lead to your script being rejected.

  1. All userscripts (greasemonkey/tampermonkey/…) or tools (such as extensions/browser addons) with similar behaviour are forbidden.
  2. Scripts can only perform one action per click with the exception of renaming commands, villages or report titles.
  3. Scripts may not interact with the Farm Assistant without specific approval from the Infernal Wars team.
  4. A script may not automatically send information or react to an event on your account.
  5. A script may not focus or click the Attack, Support or Send button on the rally point / attack confirmation page.
  6. Scripts can not send an attack on your behalf and may not be used to send troops automatically or with fewer clicks than usual.
Submitting a script for Approval

For your script to be accepted, you must respect formatting.

Example of formatting applied :

Prefix : Choose the appropriate prefix for your script.
Thread Title : The name of your script (no need version etc)

AuthorPlease tell us who wrote the script. Ideally, use the author's forum name.
ContributorsHas anyone else contributed to the creation? Mention them here ! Use 1 name per line.
Quickbar EntryPaste the code that users need to paste in their quickbar for your code to work. Add your code in the following tag

Description : Describe your script, whether its installation, use, etc., try to be as precise as possible, using images or videos.

Kind regards,
Your Infernal Wars Team

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