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Misc Report Sharing Script
Currently this script has a bug where if its a scout report it will not work. I will have this updated and fixed asap!

This Script aids in Sharing Reports

execute the script while viewing a report.
You can either copy the report that is already formatted with bbcode to share on internal tribe forum or select a player name and mail the report to them.

javascript:(function() {
   const currentUrl = window.location.href;
   const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
   const server = currentUrl.split('/')[2];
   const village = urlParams.get('village');

   if (!currentUrl.includes('=report') || !currentUrl.includes('view=')) {
       alert('Please run this script on a report page.');

   const popup = document.createElement('div');
   popup.id = 'carbon-report-sharing';
   popup.style.position = 'fixed';
   popup.style.top = '50%';
   popup.style.left = '50%';
   popup.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
   popup.style.backgroundColor = '#f4e3c7';
   popup.style.border = '2px solid #a9865e';
   popup.style.padding = '20px';
   popup.style.zIndex = 10000;
   popup.style.width = '600px';
   popup.style.fontFamily = 'Courier New, monospace';

   const title = document.createElement('h2');
   title.innerText = 'Carbon\'s Report Sharing';
   title.style.color = '#54361c';
   title.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #a9865e';
   title.style.paddingBottom = '10px';

   const playerDropdown = document.createElement('select');
   playerDropdown.id = 'player-names';
   playerDropdown.style.width = '100%';
   playerDropdown.style.marginBottom = '10px';

   const reportTextArea = document.createElement('textarea');
   reportTextArea.id = 'report-bbcode';
   reportTextArea.rows = 15;
   reportTextArea.style.width = '100%';
   reportTextArea.style.backgroundColor = '#fff8e0';
   reportTextArea.style.border = '1px solid #a9865e';
   reportTextArea.style.color = '#000';
   reportTextArea.style.padding = '10px';

   const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
   buttonContainer.style.marginTop = '10px';

   const mailButton = document.createElement('button');
   mailButton.innerText = 'Mail Report';
   mailButton.style.backgroundColor = '#d9c19f';
   mailButton.style.border = '1px solid #a9865e';
   mailButton.style.marginRight = '10px';
   mailButton.onclick = sendMail;

   const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
   cancelButton.innerText = 'Cancel';
   cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = '#d9c19f';
   cancelButton.style.border = '1px solid #a9865e';
   cancelButton.onclick = () => document.body.removeChild(popup);


   fetchPlayerNames(server, village);


   function fetchPlayerNames(server, village) {
       let page = 1;
       const playerNames = [];

       function fetchPage() {
           const rankingUrl = `https://${server}/game.php?village=${village}&screen=ranking&page=${page}`;

               .then(response => response.text())
               .then(html => {
                   const parser = new DOMParser();
                   const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');

                   const links = doc.querySelectorAll('a[href*="screen=info_player"]');
                   links.forEach(link => {
                       const playerName = link.innerText.trim();
                       if (playerName && !playerNames.includes(playerName)) {
                           const option = document.createElement('option');
                           option.value = playerName;
                           option.text = playerName;

                   const nextPageLink = doc.querySelector(`a[href*="page=${page + 1}"]`);
                   if (nextPageLink) {
               .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching player names:', error));


   function displayReportBBCode() {
       const reportElement = document.querySelector('td[colspan="2"]');
       if (!reportElement) {
           reportTextArea.value = 'Failed to fetch report data.';

       const attackerName = document.querySelector('#attack_info_att th a').innerText;
       const attackerVillage = document.querySelector('#attack_info_att td a').innerText.match(/\((\d+\|\d+)\)/)[1];
       const attackerUnits = formatUnits('#attack_info_att_units');

       const defenderName = document.querySelector('#attack_info_def th a')
           ? document.querySelector('#attack_info_def th a').innerText
           : 'Barbarian Village';
       const defenderVillage = document.querySelector('#attack_info_def td a').innerText.match(/\((\d+\|\d+)\)/)[1];
       const defenderUnits = formatUnits('#attack_info_def_units');

       const haul = document.querySelector('#attack_results td').innerText.trim();

       let bbcode = `[b]The attacker has won[/b]\n\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Attacker:[/b] [player]${attackerName}[/player]\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Village:[/b] [village]${attackerVillage}[/village]\n\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Quantity:[/b]\n${attackerUnits.quantity}\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Losses:[/b]\n${attackerUnits.losses}\n\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Defender:[/b] ${defenderName === 'Barbarian Village' ? defenderName : `[player]${defenderName}[/player]`}\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Village:[/b] [village]${defenderVillage}[/village]\n\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Quantity:[/b]\n${defenderUnits.quantity}\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Losses:[/b]\n${defenderUnits.losses}\n\n`;
       bbcode += `[b]Haul:[/b] ${haul}`;

       reportTextArea.value = bbcode.trim();

   function formatUnits(selector) {
       const rows = document.querySelectorAll(`${selector} tr`);
       const quantities = Array.from(rows[1].querySelectorAll('td')).slice(1).map(td => td.innerText.trim());
       const losses = Array.from(rows[2].querySelectorAll('td')).slice(1).map(td => td.innerText.trim());

       let formattedQuantities = '';
       let formattedLosses = '';
       for (let i = 0; i < quantities.length; i++) {
           formattedQuantities += `${quantities[i].padStart(4, ' ')} `;
           formattedLosses += `${losses[i].padStart(4, ' ')} `;

       return {
           quantity: formattedQuantities.trim(),
           losses: formattedLosses.trim()

   function sendMail() {
       const recipient = playerDropdown.value;
       const bbcode = reportTextArea.value;

       if (!recipient || !bbcode) {
           alert('Please select a player and ensure the report is correctly formatted.');

       const mailUrl = `https://${server}/game.php?village=${village}&screen=mail&mode=new`;
       const newTab = window.open(mailUrl, '_blank');

       newTab.onload = function() {
           const toField = newTab.document.querySelector('input#to');
           const subjectField = newTab.document.querySelector('input#subject');
           const messageField = newTab.document.querySelector('textarea#message');
           const sendButton = newTab.document.querySelector('input[name="send"]');

           if (toField && subjectField && messageField && sendButton) {
               toField.value = recipient;
               subjectField.value = 'Check this report out';
               messageField.value = bbcode;
           } else {
               alert('Failed to prepare the mail form.');

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